Friday, February 28, 2020

Hospitality Property Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hospitality Property Operations - Assignment Example However, in reality, the previous stock is not fully utilized and wasted awfully and there is the overstock of supplies also been observed in the hotel of which some is spoiled as well. In order to maintain cleanliness and other satisfaction is driven parameters for the customers, the storeroom remains open all the time and everyone has the access to it. There is no proper placement of supply items in the storeroom rather there is a mess of supplies everywhere even in the telephone room. The supplies are not rightly used by the housekeeping staff like shampoos are used for cleaning the bathtub and furniture polish is used over Formica which though seems chemically effective but not the right way thus resulting in increased cost. Another issue is that things are not fully used that contributes to additional costs like everyday soap and shampoo is added to every washroom even previous is still there. Garbage bags of large size are often used that are half filled and thrown away despite using the smaller one to optimize their usage. The management structure needs to be autocratic and hierarchic to mold the behavior of the staff and to keep the check on them while using the supplies. A position may be created and the personnel may be dedicated full time for the purpose. There must be someone responsible for the storeroom and only limited access be provided to the staff. Another issue is that things are not fully used that contributes to additional costs like everyday soap and shampoo is added to every washroom even previous is still there. Garbage bags of large size are often used that are half filled and thrown away despite using the smaller one to optimize their usage.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Work and leisure. What you think about work and leisure based on the Essay

Work and leisure. What you think about work and leisure based on the books (use reference) - Essay Example John Locke argues from the spiritual dimensions that give aspects of work some real value and meaning. For example, he says that God gave nature freely to the universe but human beings used the actions of labor to give themselves property in terms of land, plantations, and buildings to get income value. He further argues that through doing work human beings made money, which is the determinant of the value of work (Locke 36). Therefore, people draw leisure from what they have invested to create support and comfort for their existence. In summary, Locke views work as God-given aspect of life, and the support that accrue to life is due to man improving the nature that God gave. That is to say, work and leisure are gifts from God. In his view, Josef Pieper stipulates that leisure is a mare attitude of mind and a function of the soul that brings the reality of the world societies. Additionally, he illustrates that true religion has its foundations and primarily thrives on leisure (Pieper, Dru and Pieper 17). In other words, he says that leisure gives human beings the time to appreciate the nature of God, hence forming part of human culture. However, in the current society, work is killing entertainment, which will eventually destroy the tranquility of human culture. Pieper’s revelation reveals that work and leisure conflict in the principality, of which leisure is a way of appreciating God’s creation. Therefore, work builds the very elements that create leisure activities such as sports. Schumacher in â€Å"Buddhist Economics,† gives yet another dimension of viewing work and recreation. The author argues that the fundamental source of wealth is work, whose measurement is in terms of human labor. Economist view work as an unavoidable aspect that should be kept to the bare minimum (Schumacher 1). On the contrary, human beings sacrifice their leisure in exchange for income from work.